Homecoming Mum Supplies

A Texas tradition! Dress up your mum with wholesale homecoming mum supplies. These plush items are made especially to be the centerpiece of an exquisitely crafted mum, but our customers buy them in bulk and use these stuffed toys for any number of creative purposes. 
Custom-Printed Pricing
ITEM 24-47 pcs 48-143 pcs 144-287 pcs 288-599 pcs  600-1199 pcs 1200+ pcs
Custom-Printed T-Shirt $4 ea. $3.50 ea. $3 ea. $2.75 ea. $2.60 ea. $2.50 ea.
Custom-Printed White Bandanna $3.25 ea. $2.25 ea. $1.75 ea. $1.50 ea. $1.35 ea. $1.25 ea.
Custom-Printed Button $2.50 ea. $2 ea. $1.75 ea. $1.50 ea. $1.35 ea. $1.25 ea.